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Shakespeare in Between

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    Shakespeare in Between edited by Jana Wild, transl. Bea Havelská, Vladimír Balek et al. -- Bratislava VŠMU 2018. -- 279 s. obr., tab. -- Obsahuje 23 príspevkov, bibliografie, bibliografické odkazy, informácie o autoroch a register. -- Contents: Hamlet's nutshell Balek, V. Shakespeare for the 21st Century Gyarfáš, F. The Bulgarian Fortunes of The Merchant of Venice Sokolova, B. On a New Romanian Translation of 1 Henry IV Volceanov, G. Between Meaning and Understanding: King Lear and Pericles on Hungarian Stages Kiss, Z. Hamlet 's brutta figura Wild, J. Shakespeare is Changing Codes. Ariane Mnouchkine Šimková, S. In-Between Polish and German Cultures: Jan Klata's Titus Andronicus Kujawinska Courtney, K. Shakespeare between Europe and Asia Kabdiyeava, S. Zbyněk Kolář's ambiguity of symbols. Romeo & Juliet and Macbeth Koubská, V. Romeo & Juliet - Two Times Different Kyselová, E. Pietor's Unfinished: The Merchant of Venice Sládeček, J. Various Approaches for Domestic and Foreign Stages Koblišková, Z. ShakExperiment: Shakespeare in the Student Productions Pašuthová, Z. Vulgarity. From Shakespeare to Dagsson and South Park Majling, D. Shakespeare and Manga: The Eighth Stage Křivánková, A. Anchoring the verbal image in Noh and Shakespearean Theatre Hlaváčová, A. A. Send In the Clows. Shakespeare on the Soviet Screen Paterson, R. Hamlet as a narrative model for the film Gypsy Šulík, M. The Three Wands of King Lear Denci, M. Coriolanus in Opera Škrobánková, K. Dynamism, Space, Movement. The Tempest as Modern Dance Gajdošová, E. Training Teachers to Impart the Language of Theatre: A Shift in "Performances"? Dulibine, Ch. a B. Grosjean. -- ISBN : 978-80-8195-014-8.
    I. Wild, Jana II. Balek, Vladimír III. Gyarfáš, František IV. Sokolova, Boika V. Volceanov, George VI. Kiss, Zsuzsánna VII. Šimková, Soňa VIII. Kujawinska Courtney, Krystyna IX. Kabdiyeva, Saniya X. Koubská, Vlasta XI. Kyselová, Eva XII. Sládeček, Ján XIII. Koblišková, Zuzana XIV. Pašuthová, Zdenka XV. Majling, Daniel XVI. Křivánková, Anna XVII. Hlaváčová, Anna A XVIII. Paterson, Ronan XIX. Šulík, Martin XX. Denci, Michal XXI. Škrobánková, Klára XXII. Gajdošová, Eva XXIII. Dulibine, Chantal XXIV. Grosjean, Bernard XXV. Havelská, Bea

    Shakespeare, William * dráma anglická * teória drámy * konferenčné príspevky * zborníky konferencií

Number of the records: 1  

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